Published Books
![book cover: Screening Big Data: Films that Shape Our Algorithmic Literacy](/research/images/rd-books/cover-screening-big-data.jpg)
Date: Aug. 2024
Title: Screening Big Data: Films that Shape Our Algorithmic Literacy
Author: Gerald Sim, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts & Letters
Published by Routledge
Title: Screening Big Data: Films that Shape Our Algorithmic Literacy
Author: Gerald Sim, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts & Letters
Published by Routledge
![book cover: Why It's OK to be a Gamer](/research/images/rd-books/why-its-okay-book-cover.jpg)
Date: May 2024
Title: Why It's OK to be a Gamer
Co-authors: Nicholas Baima, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College, Sarah Malanowski, Ph.D., Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College
Published by Routledge
Title: Why It's OK to be a Gamer
Co-authors: Nicholas Baima, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College, Sarah Malanowski, Ph.D., Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College
Published by Routledge
![book cover: The Routledge Handbook of CoFuturisms](/research/images/rd-books/routledge-handbook-cover.jpg)
Date: October 2023
Title: The Routledge Handbook of CoFuturisms
Chapter: Introduction to CoFuturisms
Chapter Author and Co-Editor: Taryne Jade Taylor, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts & Letters
Published by Routledge
Title: The Routledge Handbook of CoFuturisms
Chapter: Introduction to CoFuturisms
Chapter Author and Co-Editor: Taryne Jade Taylor, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts & Letters
Published by Routledge
![book cover: Improving Speech Intelligibility in Adults: Clinical Application of Evidence-Based Strategies](/research/images/rd-books/porcaro-book-cover.png)
Date: September 2022
Title: Improving Speech Intelligibility in Adults: Clinical Application of Evidence-Based Strategies
Author: Connie Porcaro, Ph.D., College of Education
Published by Plural Publishing, Inc.
Title: Improving Speech Intelligibility in Adults: Clinical Application of Evidence-Based Strategies
Author: Connie Porcaro, Ph.D., College of Education
Published by Plural Publishing, Inc.
![book cover: Essential Ethics for Social Work Practice](/research/images/rd-books/essential-ethics-barsky.jpg)
Date: August 2022
Title: Essential Ethics for Social Work Practice
Co-author: Allan Barsky, JD, Ph.D., College of Social Work and Criminal Justice
Published by Oxford University Press
Title: Essential Ethics for Social Work Practice
Co-author: Allan Barsky, JD, Ph.D., College of Social Work and Criminal Justice
Published by Oxford University Press
![book cover: Italia Cantata](/research/images/rd-books/cover-italia-cantata.png)
Date: February 2022
Title: Italia Cantata
Author: Iliaria Serra
Published by Linus Learning
Title: Italia Cantata
Author: Iliaria Serra
Published by Linus Learning
![book cover: Insecurity](/research/images/rd-books/insecurity-cover.jpeg)
Date: February 2022
Title: Insecurity
Chapter: Cyber-Insecurities and Racialized Threat in the Embattled Urban Ecosystem
Co-Author: Andrea Miller
Published by University of Minnesota Press
Title: Insecurity
Chapter: Cyber-Insecurities and Racialized Threat in the Embattled Urban Ecosystem
Co-Author: Andrea Miller
Published by University of Minnesota Press
![book cover: A Caregiver's Guide to Communication Problems from Brain Injury or Disease](/research/images/rd-books/communication-problems-cover.png)
Date: February 2022
Title: A Caregiver's Guide to Communication Problems from Brain Injury or Disease
Co-Editor: Connie K. Porcaro, Ph.D, College of Education
Published by John Hopkins University Press
Title: A Caregiver's Guide to Communication Problems from Brain Injury or Disease
Co-Editor: Connie K. Porcaro, Ph.D, College of Education
Published by John Hopkins University Press
![book cover: small-wars-cover](/research/images/rd-books/small-wars-cover.jpeg)
Date: January 2022
Title: Small Wars and Insurgencies
Article: The fungible terrorist: abject whiteness, domestic terrorism, and the multicultural security state
Co-Author: Andrea Miller
Published by Small Wars and Insurgencies
Title: Small Wars and Insurgencies
Article: The fungible terrorist: abject whiteness, domestic terrorism, and the multicultural security state
Co-Author: Andrea Miller
Published by Small Wars and Insurgencies
![book cover: Social work in digital societies: Challenges for research, practice, and innovation](/research/images/rd-books/social-work-in-digital-societies-barsky.jpg)
Date: December 2021
Title: Social work in digital societies: Challenges for research, practice, and innovation
Chapter: Social work practice and research with technology: Ethical challenges and responses
Co-author: Allan Barsky, JD, Ph.D., College of Social Work and Criminal Justice
Published by Routledge
Title: Social work in digital societies: Challenges for research, practice, and innovation
Chapter: Social work practice and research with technology: Ethical challenges and responses
Co-author: Allan Barsky, JD, Ph.D., College of Social Work and Criminal Justice
Published by Routledge
![book cover: Caring for Veterans and Their Families: A Guide for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals](/research/images/rd-books/caring-veterans-bookcover.png)
Date: November 2021
Title: Caring for Veterans and Their Families: A Guide for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals
Chapter: The Use of Service, Emotional Support, and Companion Animals as a Complementary Health Approach for Military Veterans: Information for Healthcare Providers
Co-Author: Cheryl Krause-Parello, Ph.D., Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing
Published by Jones & Bartlett Learning
Title: Caring for Veterans and Their Families: A Guide for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals
Chapter: The Use of Service, Emotional Support, and Companion Animals as a Complementary Health Approach for Military Veterans: Information for Healthcare Providers
Co-Author: Cheryl Krause-Parello, Ph.D., Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing
Published by Jones & Bartlett Learning
![book cover: George Yancy: A Critical Introduction](/research/images/rd-books/george-yancy.jpg)
Date: November 2021
Title: George Yancy: A Critical Introduction
Co-Editor: Clevis Headley, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Rowman and Littlefield
Title: George Yancy: A Critical Introduction
Co-Editor: Clevis Headley, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Rowman and Littlefield
![book cover: Oil Fictions](/research/images/rd-books/oil.jpg)
Date: October 2021
Title: Oil Fictions: World Literature and Our Contemporary Petrosphere
Co-Editor: Stacey Balkan, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Penn State University Press
Title: Oil Fictions: World Literature and Our Contemporary Petrosphere
Co-Editor: Stacey Balkan, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Penn State University Press
![book cover: Counterpoints:](/research/images/rd-books/counterpoints-cover.png)
Date: September 2021
Title: Counterpoints: A San Francisco Bay Area Atlas of Displacement & Resistance
Chapter: Data-Driven Policing and the Colonial Database
Author: Andrea Miller
Published by PM Press
Title: Counterpoints: A San Francisco Bay Area Atlas of Displacement & Resistance
Chapter: Data-Driven Policing and the Colonial Database
Author: Andrea Miller
Published by PM Press
![book cover: Photo Identification Guide](/research/images/rd-books/photo-identification-guide.jpg)
Date: September 2021
Title: Photo Identification Guide of the Benthic Taxa Inhabiting the Mesophotic Reefs of The Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
Co-Authors: John Reed, Stephanie Farrington, Maria Cristina Diaz, Shirley Pomponi, Dennis Hanisak
Published by The Cooperative Institute for Ocean Exploration, Research and Technology
Title: Photo Identification Guide of the Benthic Taxa Inhabiting the Mesophotic Reefs of The Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
Co-Authors: John Reed, Stephanie Farrington, Maria Cristina Diaz, Shirley Pomponi, Dennis Hanisak
Published by The Cooperative Institute for Ocean Exploration, Research and Technology
![book cover: Violent Order: Essays on the Nature of Police](/research/images/rd-books/violent-order-cover.jpeg)
Date: August 2021
Title: Violent Order: Essays on the Nature of Police
Essay: Securing Nature's Return: Environmental Policing and Ecosystem Ecology at the Savannah River Site Nuclear Reservation
Author: Andrea Miller
Published by Haymarket Books
Title: Violent Order: Essays on the Nature of Police
Essay: Securing Nature's Return: Environmental Policing and Ecosystem Ecology at the Savannah River Site Nuclear Reservation
Author: Andrea Miller
Published by Haymarket Books
![book cover: Diagnosis: A Guide for Medical Trainees](/research/images/rd-books/diagnosis.jpg)
Date: August 2021
Title: Diagnosis: A Guide for Medical Trainees
Author: Ashley Graham Kennedy, Ph.D., Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College
Published by Oxford University Press
Title: Diagnosis: A Guide for Medical Trainees
Author: Ashley Graham Kennedy, Ph.D., Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College
Published by Oxford University Press
![book cover: Families Creating Employment Opportunities ...](/research/images/rd-books/families.jpg)
Date: July 2021
Title: Families Creating Employment Opportunities for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities Understanding the Contribution of Familial Entrepreneurship
Author: Jennifer Pecival, Ph.D, College of Education
Published by Routledge
Title: Families Creating Employment Opportunities for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities Understanding the Contribution of Familial Entrepreneurship
Author: Jennifer Pecival, Ph.D, College of Education
Published by Routledge
![book cover: New Venture Launchpad](/research/images/rd-books/launch.jpg)
Date: July 2021
Title: New Venture Launchpad
Authors: Kevin Cox and Roland Kidwell
Published by Kendall Hunt Publishing Co.
Title: New Venture Launchpad
Authors: Kevin Cox and Roland Kidwell
Published by Kendall Hunt Publishing Co.
![book cover: Conch Aquaculture](/research/images/rd-books/molluscan-shellfish.jpg)
Date: July 2021
Title: Conch Aquaculture: Queen Conch, Strombus gigas, and Fighting Conch, Strombus alatus and Strombus pugilis inside Molluscan Shellfish Aquaculture
Co-Author: Megan Davis, Ph.D., Florida Atlantic Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute
Published by 5M Publishers
Title: Conch Aquaculture: Queen Conch, Strombus gigas, and Fighting Conch, Strombus alatus and Strombus pugilis inside Molluscan Shellfish Aquaculture
Co-Author: Megan Davis, Ph.D., Florida Atlantic Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute
Published by 5M Publishers
![book cover: Political Thought and the Origins of the American Presidency](/research/images/rd-books/political-thought.jpg)
Date: June 2021
Title: Political Thought and the Origins of the American Presidency
Editor: Ben Lowe, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by University Press of Florida
Title: Political Thought and the Origins of the American Presidency
Editor: Ben Lowe, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by University Press of Florida
![book cover: The World Is Not Enough](/research/images/rd-books/the-world-is-not-enough.jpg)
Date: June 2021
Title: The World Is Not Enough: A Biography of Ian Fleming
Author: Oliver Buckton, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by
Title: The World Is Not Enough: A Biography of Ian Fleming
Author: Oliver Buckton, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by
![Native Peoples, Politics, and Society in Contemporary Paraguay: Multidisciplinary Perspectives](/research/images/rd-books/native-people-book.png)
Date: June 2021
Title: Native Peoples, Politics, and Society in Contemporary Paraguay: Multidisciplinary Perspectives
Author: Barbara A. Ganson, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by University of New Mexico Press
Title: Native Peoples, Politics, and Society in Contemporary Paraguay: Multidisciplinary Perspectives
Author: Barbara A. Ganson, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by University of New Mexico Press
![book cover: Ars Erotica](/research/images/rd-books/ars-erotica.jpg)
Date: May 2021
Title: Ars Erotica: Sex and Somaesthetics in the Classical Arts of Love
Author: Richard Shusterman, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Cambridge University Press
Title: Ars Erotica: Sex and Somaesthetics in the Classical Arts of Love
Author: Richard Shusterman, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Cambridge University Press
![Studying Latinx/a/o Students in Higher Education: A Critical Analysis of Concepts, Theory and Methodologies](/research/images/rd-books/studying-latinx-book.png)
Date: May 2021
Title: Studying Latinx/a/o Students in Higher Education: A Critical Analysis of Concepts, Theory and Methodologies
Co-Editor: Cristobal Salinas Jr., College of Education
Published by Routledge
Title: Studying Latinx/a/o Students in Higher Education: A Critical Analysis of Concepts, Theory and Methodologies
Co-Editor: Cristobal Salinas Jr., College of Education
Published by Routledge
![book cover: Pop Don Quixote: The Big Bang Theory as Quixotic Emulation](/research/images/rd-books/pop-don-quixote.jpg)
Date: April 2021
Chapter: "Pop Don Quixote: The Big Bang Theory as Quixotic Emulation" Reconsidering Early Modern Spanish Literature through Mass and Popular Culture: Contemporizing the Classics for the Classroom
Co-Author: Yolanda Gamboa Tusquets Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Juan de La Cuesta-Hispanic Monographs
Chapter: "Pop Don Quixote: The Big Bang Theory as Quixotic Emulation" Reconsidering Early Modern Spanish Literature through Mass and Popular Culture: Contemporizing the Classics for the Classroom
Co-Author: Yolanda Gamboa Tusquets Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Juan de La Cuesta-Hispanic Monographs
![Etnia, raza y sexualidad ...](/research/images/rd-books/etnia-cover.png)
Date: April 2021
Title: Etnia, raza y sexualidad en la dramaturgia femenina hispano-caribeña en los Estados Unidos
Author: Carmen Duarte, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Letra Capital
Title: Etnia, raza y sexualidad en la dramaturgia femenina hispano-caribeña en los Estados Unidos
Author: Carmen Duarte, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Letra Capital
![The Little Book of No Consolation](/research/images/rd-books/little-book.png)
Date: April 2021
Title: The Little Book of No Consolation
Author: Becka Mara McKay, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Barrow Street Press
Title: The Little Book of No Consolation
Author: Becka Mara McKay, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Barrow Street Press
![Police-Community Relations in Times of Crisis: Decay and Reform in the Post-Ferguson Era](/research/images/rd-books/police-book.png)
Date: April 2021
Title: Police-Community Relations in Times of Crisis: Decay and Reform in the Post-Ferguson Era
Author: Ross Deuchar, Vaughn Crichlow and Seth Fallik, College of Social Work and Criminal Justice
Published by Bristol University Press
Title: Police-Community Relations in Times of Crisis: Decay and Reform in the Post-Ferguson Era
Author: Ross Deuchar, Vaughn Crichlow and Seth Fallik, College of Social Work and Criminal Justice
Published by Bristol University Press
![book cover: Combating HIV stigma in Rural Alabama](/research/images/rd-books/engaging.jpg)
Date: February 2021
Title: Combating HIV stigma in Rural Alabama inside the book Engaging the Intersection of Housing and Health Volume 3
Co-Author: Safiya George, Ph.D., Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing
Published by University of Cincinnati Press
Title: Combating HIV stigma in Rural Alabama inside the book Engaging the Intersection of Housing and Health Volume 3
Co-Author: Safiya George, Ph.D., Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing
Published by University of Cincinnati Press
![book cover: Italia Cantata: A Language And Culture Textbook](/research/images/rd-books/italia-cover.png)
Date: 2021
Title: Italia Cantata: A Language And Culture Textbook – Italian History Through Song from Napoleon to Berlusconi (1797-1997)
Co-Author: Ilaria Serra, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by New York: Linus Learning
Title: Italia Cantata: A Language And Culture Textbook – Italian History Through Song from Napoleon to Berlusconi (1797-1997)
Co-Author: Ilaria Serra, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by New York: Linus Learning
![book cover: Dream Canyon](/research/images/rd-books/dream-cayon.jpg)
Date: December 2020
Title: Dream Canyon
Author: Frédéric Conrod Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Trois Colonnes
Title: Dream Canyon
Author: Frédéric Conrod Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Trois Colonnes
![Police-Community Relations in Times of Crisis: Decay and Reform in the Post-Ferguson Era](/research/images/rd-books/ethical-de-book.png)
Date: December 2020
Title: Ethical Design Intelligence: The Virtuous Designer
Author: Philippe d'Anjou, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Routledge
Title: Ethical Design Intelligence: The Virtuous Designer
Author: Philippe d'Anjou, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Routledge
![Tropical Marine Mollusks](/research/images/rd-books/tropical-marine-book.png)
Date: December 2020
Title: Tropical Marine Mollusks: An Illustrated Biogeographical Guide
Co-Author: Edward J. Petuch, Ph.D.
Published by Routledge and Chemical Rubber Company Press
Title: Tropical Marine Mollusks: An Illustrated Biogeographical Guide
Co-Author: Edward J. Petuch, Ph.D.
Published by Routledge and Chemical Rubber Company Press
![Public Administration and Epistemology: Experience, Power, and Agency](/research/images/rd-books/public-admin-ep-book.png)
Date: December 2020
Title: Public Administration and Epistemology: Experience, Power, and Agency
Author: Arthur J. Sementelli, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Routledge
Title: Public Administration and Epistemology: Experience, Power, and Agency
Author: Arthur J. Sementelli, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Routledge
![Muslim Communities and Cultures of the Himalayas](/research/images/rd-books/muslim-comm-book.png)
Date: December 2020
Title: Muslim Communities and Cultures of the Himalayas
Co-Editor: Jacqueline H. Fewkes, Ph.D., Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College
Published by Routledge
Title: Muslim Communities and Cultures of the Himalayas
Co-Editor: Jacqueline H. Fewkes, Ph.D., Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College
Published by Routledge
![Plato's Pragmatism: Rethinking the Relationship between Ethics and Epistemology](/research/images/rd-books/platos-pragmatism-cover.png)
Date: December 2020
Title: Plato's Pragmatism: Rethinking the Relationship between Ethics and Epistemology
Co-Author: Nicholas R. Baima, Ph.D., Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College
Published by Routledge
Title: Plato's Pragmatism: Rethinking the Relationship between Ethics and Epistemology
Co-Author: Nicholas R. Baima, Ph.D., Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College
Published by Routledge
![Image: Image Processing and Computer Vision in iOS book cover](/research/images/rd-books/image-processing-computer-vision-cover.png)
Date: December 2020
Title: Image Processing and Computer Vision in iOS
Author: Oge Marques, Ph.D., College of Engineering and Computer Science
Published by Springer, Cham
Title: Image Processing and Computer Vision in iOS
Author: Oge Marques, Ph.D., College of Engineering and Computer Science
Published by Springer, Cham
![Image: InsUrgent Media book cover](/research/images/rd-books/insurgent-media-book-cover.png)
Date: November 2020
Title: Insurgent Media from the Front: A Media Activism Reader
Author: Chris Robe and Stephen Charbonneau
Published by Indiana University Press
Title: Insurgent Media from the Front: A Media Activism Reader
Author: Chris Robe and Stephen Charbonneau
Published by Indiana University Press
![Regional Public Universities: Addressing Misconceptions and Analyzing Contributions](/research/images/rd-books/regional-public-universities-book.png)
Date: October 2020
Title: Regional Public Universities: Addressing Misconceptions and Analyzing Contributions
Author: Jarrett B. Warshaw, Ph.D., College of Education
Published by Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Title: Regional Public Universities: Addressing Misconceptions and Analyzing Contributions
Author: Jarrett B. Warshaw, Ph.D., College of Education
Published by Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
![Graduate Students’ Research About Community Colleges: A Guide for Publishing](/research/images/rd-books/community-colleges-publishing-book.png)
Date: September 2020
Title: Graduate Students’ Research About Community Colleges: A Guide for Publishing
Author: Jarrett B. Warshaw, Ph.D., College of Education
Co-Editor: Deborah L. Floyd, Cristobal Salinas Jr., Ethan C. Swingle, Ph.D.
Published by Routledge
Title: Graduate Students’ Research About Community Colleges: A Guide for Publishing
Author: Jarrett B. Warshaw, Ph.D., College of Education
Co-Editor: Deborah L. Floyd, Cristobal Salinas Jr., Ethan C. Swingle, Ph.D.
Published by Routledge
![Image: postcolonial](/research/images/rd-books/postcolonial-book-cover.png)
Date: September 2020
Title: Postcolonial Hangups in Southeast Asian Cinema
Author: Gerald Sim, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Amsterdam University Press
Title: Postcolonial Hangups in Southeast Asian Cinema
Author: Gerald Sim, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Amsterdam University Press
![Image: Pregnancy and substance use](/research/images/rd-books/pregnancy-and-substance-use.png)
Date: August 2020
Title: Trauma-informed Care, Motivational Interviewing, Respectful Person-first Language, and Stigma Reduction inside the book Pregnancy and Substance Use - A Harm Reduction Toolkit
Author: Heather Howard Ph.D., College of Social Work and Criminal Justice
Published by National Harm Reduction Coalition
Title: Trauma-informed Care, Motivational Interviewing, Respectful Person-first Language, and Stigma Reduction inside the book Pregnancy and Substance Use - A Harm Reduction Toolkit
Author: Heather Howard Ph.D., College of Social Work and Criminal Justice
Published by National Harm Reduction Coalition
![Interim Framework for COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation and Distribution in the United States](/research/images/rd-books/interim-book.png)
Date: August 2020
Title: Interim Framework for COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation and Distribution in the United States
Author: Justin Bernstein, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
Title: Interim Framework for COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation and Distribution in the United States
Author: Justin Bernstein, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
![Immigrant Faculty in the Academy: Narratives of Identity, Resilience, and Action](/research/images/rd-books/immigrant-faculty-book.png)
Date: August 2020
Title: Immigrant Faculty in the Academy: Narratives of Identity, Resilience, and Action
Author: Maysaa Barakat, Ph.D., College of Education
Published by Routledge
Title: Immigrant Faculty in the Academy: Narratives of Identity, Resilience, and Action
Author: Maysaa Barakat, Ph.D., College of Education
Published by Routledge
![Image: Gurses](/research/images/rd-books/gurses.jpg)
Date: August 2020
Title: Anatomy of a Civil War: Sociopolitical Impacts of the Kurdish Conflict in Turkey
Author: Mehmet Gurses, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by University of Michigan Press
Title: Anatomy of a Civil War: Sociopolitical Impacts of the Kurdish Conflict in Turkey
Author: Mehmet Gurses, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by University of Michigan Press
![Image: mutha](/research/images/rd-books/mutha.jpg)
Date: August 2020
Title: Call Your "Mutha:" A Deliberately Dirty-Minded Manifesto for the Earth Mother in the Anthropocene
Author: Jane Capuit, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Oxford University Press
Title: Call Your "Mutha:" A Deliberately Dirty-Minded Manifesto for the Earth Mother in the Anthropocene
Author: Jane Capuit, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Oxford University Press
![Image: impersonating](/research/images/rd-books/impersonating.png)
Date: August 2020
Title: Impersonating Animals: Rhetoric, Ecofeminism, and Animal Rights Law
Author: S. Marek Muller, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Michigan State University Press
Title: Impersonating Animals: Rhetoric, Ecofeminism, and Animal Rights Law
Author: S. Marek Muller, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Michigan State University Press
![Image: mechanism](/research/images/rd-books/mechanism-book.png)
Date: July 2020
Title: The Chemical Philosophy of Robert Boyle: Mechanicism, Chymical Atoms, and Emergence
Author: Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Oxford University Press
Title: The Chemical Philosophy of Robert Boyle: Mechanicism, Chymical Atoms, and Emergence
Author: Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Oxford University Press
![Image: private lives, public histories](/research/images/rd-books/private-book-thumb.png)
Date: July 2020
Title: Private Lives, Public Histories
Author: Rachel Corr, Ph.D., Jacqueline H. Fewkes, Ph.D., Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College
Published by Lexington Books, Rowman and Littlefield
Title: Private Lives, Public Histories
Author: Rachel Corr, Ph.D., Jacqueline H. Fewkes, Ph.D., Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College
Published by Lexington Books, Rowman and Littlefield
![Image: jewfish](/research/images/rd-books/jewfish.png)
Date: June 2020
Title: Jewfish
Author: Andrew Furman, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Little Curlew Press
Title: Jewfish
Author: Andrew Furman, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Little Curlew Press
![Image: world](/research/images/rd-books/world-book.png)
Date: June 2020
Title: The World That Fear Made: Slave Revolts and Conspiracy Scares in Early America
Author: Jason T. Sharples, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Penn Press
Title: The World That Fear Made: Slave Revolts and Conspiracy Scares in Early America
Author: Jason T. Sharples, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Penn Press
![Image: narrative](/research/images/rd-books/narrative.jpg)
Date: May 2020
Title: Narrative Politics in Public Policy: Legalizing Cannabis
Author: Hugh T. Miller, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Palgrave Macmillan
Title: Narrative Politics in Public Policy: Legalizing Cannabis
Author: Hugh T. Miller, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Palgrave Macmillan
![Image: dramatic](/research/images/rd-books/dramatic-book.png)
Date: April 2020
Title: Dramatic Effect of Cross-Correlations in Random Vibrations of Discrete System, Beams, Plates, and Shells
Author: Isaac Elishakoff, Ph.D., College of Engineering and Computer science
Published by Springer
Title: Dramatic Effect of Cross-Correlations in Random Vibrations of Discrete System, Beams, Plates, and Shells
Author: Isaac Elishakoff, Ph.D., College of Engineering and Computer science
Published by Springer
![Image: Reuse](/research/images/rd-books/reuse-book.png)
Date: April 2020
Title: Reuse in Intelligent Systems
Inside the book: Experimental Studies on the Impact of Data Sampling with Severely Imbalanced Big Data
Authors: Tawfiq Hasanin, Ph.D., Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar, Ph.D., Richard A. Bauder, College of Engineering and Computer Science
Published by CRC Press
Title: Reuse in Intelligent Systems
Inside the book: Experimental Studies on the Impact of Data Sampling with Severely Imbalanced Big Data
Authors: Tawfiq Hasanin, Ph.D., Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar, Ph.D., Richard A. Bauder, College of Engineering and Computer Science
Published by CRC Press
![Image: handbook](/research/images/rd-books/routledge-handbook.png)
Date: April 2020
Title: The Routledge Handbook of Social Work and Addictive Behaviors
Inside the book: Addictive Behaviors During Emerging Adulthood
Authors: Christine Spadola, Ph.D., Phyllis and Harvey Sandler School of Social Work
Published by Routledge
Title: The Routledge Handbook of Social Work and Addictive Behaviors
Inside the book: Addictive Behaviors During Emerging Adulthood
Authors: Christine Spadola, Ph.D., Phyllis and Harvey Sandler School of Social Work
Published by Routledge
![Image: cultural](/research/images/rd-books/cultural.jpg)
Date: April 2020
Title: The Cultural Worlds of the Jesuits in Colonial Latin America
Inside the book: A Patriarchal Society in the Rio de la Plata: Adultery and the Double Standard at Mission Jesús de Tavarangue,1782
Author: Barbara Ganson, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Art
Published by The University of London
Title: The Cultural Worlds of the Jesuits in Colonial Latin America
Inside the book: A Patriarchal Society in the Rio de la Plata: Adultery and the Double Standard at Mission Jesús de Tavarangue,1782
Author: Barbara Ganson, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Art
Published by The University of London
![Swamp Souths: Literary and Cultural Ecologies](/research/images/rd-books/swamp-souths-book.png)
Date: March 2020
Title: Swamp Souths: Literary and Cultural Ecologies
Author: Co-edited by Taylor Hagood, Ph.D., professor of English at Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts & Letters
Published by Louisiana State University Press
Title: Swamp Souths: Literary and Cultural Ecologies
Author: Co-edited by Taylor Hagood, Ph.D., professor of English at Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts & Letters
Published by Louisiana State University Press
![Ethical Design Intelligence](/research/images/rd-books/ethical-design-book.png)
Date: March 2020
Title: Ethical Design Intelligence: the Virtuous Designer
Author: Philippe d'Anjou, professor at Florida Atlantic School of Architecture
Published by Routledge Publishing
Title: Ethical Design Intelligence: the Virtuous Designer
Author: Philippe d'Anjou, professor at Florida Atlantic School of Architecture
Published by Routledge Publishing
![Image: safeguard](/research/images/rd-books/safeguard.jpg)
Date: March 2020
Title: Safeguarding Your Child with Autism: Strategies and Tools to Reduce Risks
Author: Jack Scott, Ph.D., College of Education
Published by Woodbine House
Title: Safeguarding Your Child with Autism: Strategies and Tools to Reduce Risks
Author: Jack Scott, Ph.D., College of Education
Published by Woodbine House
![Image: Carole](/research/images/rd-books/carole.jpg)
Date: February 2020
Title: Becoming Carole Lombard: Stardom, Comedy and Legacy
Author: Olympia Kiriakou, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Bloomsbury Academic
Title: Becoming Carole Lombard: Stardom, Comedy and Legacy
Author: Olympia Kiriakou, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Bloomsbury Academic
![Image: plato's cave](/research/images/rd-books/platos-cave.png)
Date: January 2020
Title: Plato's Cave: The Liberating Sting of Cultural Diversity
Author: Rebecca LeMoine, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Oxford University Press
Title: Plato's Cave: The Liberating Sting of Cultural Diversity
Author: Rebecca LeMoine, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Oxford University Press
![Image: neuro](/research/images/rd-books/neuro.jpg)
Date: January 2020
Title: Attachment and Neurobiology: Preconception to Young Adulthood
Author: Gail Horton, Ph.D., College of Social Work and Criminal Justice
Published by Cognella
Title: Attachment and Neurobiology: Preconception to Young Adulthood
Author: Gail Horton, Ph.D., College of Social Work and Criminal Justice
Published by Cognella
![Image: entering](/research/images/rd-books/entering.png)
Date: January 2020
Title: Aligning Mentor and Trainees Expectations; Addressing Conflict; Mini Grant proposal; Research Project Outline and Abstract
Inside the book: Entering Research - A Curriculum to Support Undergraduate and Graduate Research Trainees
Author: Evelyn Frazier, Ph.D., Charles E. Schmidt College of Science
Published by W.H. Freeman & Company
Title: Aligning Mentor and Trainees Expectations; Addressing Conflict; Mini Grant proposal; Research Project Outline and Abstract
Inside the book: Entering Research - A Curriculum to Support Undergraduate and Graduate Research Trainees
Author: Evelyn Frazier, Ph.D., Charles E. Schmidt College of Science
Published by W.H. Freeman & Company
![Image: market](/research/images/rd-books/market.jpg)
Date: November 2019
Title: Market Rules: Bankers, Presidents, and the Origins of the Great Recession
Author: Mark H. Rose, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by University of Pennsylvania Press
Title: Market Rules: Bankers, Presidents, and the Origins of the Great Recession
Author: Mark H. Rose, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by University of Pennsylvania Press
![Image: mobility](/research/images/rd-books/mobility.jpg)
Date: November 2019
Title: From Mobility to Accesibility Transforming Urban Transportation and Land-Use Planning
Author: Louis Ari Merlin, Ph.D., College of Science
Published by Cornell University Press
Title: From Mobility to Accesibility Transforming Urban Transportation and Land-Use Planning
Author: Louis Ari Merlin, Ph.D., College of Science
Published by Cornell University Press
![Image: conducting](/research/images/rd-books/conducting.jpg)
Date: November 2019
Title: Conducting Research in Developmental Psychology
Author: Nancy Aaron Jones, Ph.D., Krystal Mize, Ph.D., Jillian Hardin, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science;
and Melanie Platt, Ph.D., College of Education
Published by Routledge/Taylor & Francis
Title: Conducting Research in Developmental Psychology
Author: Nancy Aaron Jones, Ph.D., Krystal Mize, Ph.D., Jillian Hardin, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science;
and Melanie Platt, Ph.D., College of Education
Published by Routledge/Taylor & Francis
![Image: handbook](/research/images/rd-books/handbook.jpg)
Date: October 2019
Title: Handbook on Timoshenko-Ehrenfest Beam and Uflyand-Mindlin Plate Theories
Author: Isaac Elishakoff, Ph.D., Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering and Computer Science
Published by World Scientific Publishing
Title: Handbook on Timoshenko-Ehrenfest Beam and Uflyand-Mindlin Plate Theories
Author: Isaac Elishakoff, Ph.D., Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering and Computer Science
Published by World Scientific Publishing
![Image: Segmentation](/research/images/rd-books/segmentation.jpg)
Date: October 2019
Title: Segmentation and Separation of Overlapped Latent Fingerprints: Algorithms, Techniques and Datasets
Author: Oge Marques, Ph.D., College of Engineering and Computer Science, co-author
Published by Springer
Title: Segmentation and Separation of Overlapped Latent Fingerprints: Algorithms, Techniques and Datasets
Author: Oge Marques, Ph.D., College of Engineering and Computer Science, co-author
Published by Springer
![Image: Taurine11](/research/images/rd-books/taurine.jpg)
Date: September 2019
Title: Taurine 11-Advance in Experimental Medicine and Biology 1155
Author: Jang-Yen Wu, Ph.D., Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, co-author
Published by Springer
Title: Taurine 11-Advance in Experimental Medicine and Biology 1155
Author: Jang-Yen Wu, Ph.D., Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, co-author
Published by Springer
![book cover: Ethics and Values in Social Work: An Integrated Approach for a Comprehensive Curriculum](/research/images/rd-books/ethics-and-values-in-sw-barsky.jpg)
Date: August 2019
Title: Ethics and Values in Social Work: An Integrated Approach for a Comprehensive Curriculum
Co-author: Allan Barsky, JD, Ph.D., College of Social Work and Criminal Justice
Published by Oxford University Press
Title: Ethics and Values in Social Work: An Integrated Approach for a Comprehensive Curriculum
Co-author: Allan Barsky, JD, Ph.D., College of Social Work and Criminal Justice
Published by Oxford University Press
![Image: Trojan-war](/research/images/rd-books/trojan-war.jpg)
Date: August 2019
Title: The Trojan War Museum: And Other Stories
Author: Ayse Papatya Bucak, MFA, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by W.W. Norton
Title: The Trojan War Museum: And Other Stories
Author: Ayse Papatya Bucak, MFA, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by W.W. Norton
![Image: social](/research/images/rd-books/social.jpg)
Date: August 2019
Title: Social psychology: Exploring the Dynamics of Human Experience
Author: Robin R Vallacher, Ph.D., Charles E. Schmidt College of Science
Published by Routledge/Taylor & Francis
Title: Social psychology: Exploring the Dynamics of Human Experience
Author: Robin R Vallacher, Ph.D., Charles E. Schmidt College of Science
Published by Routledge/Taylor & Francis
![Image: Journey](/research/images/rd-books/journey.png)
Date: July 2019
Title: The Journey of Adulthood, 9th Edition
Author: Julie L. Earles, Ph.D., Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College Barbara Bjorklund, Ph.D., Department of Psychology, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science
Published by Pearson
Title: The Journey of Adulthood, 9th Edition
Author: Julie L. Earles, Ph.D., Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College Barbara Bjorklund, Ph.D., Department of Psychology, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science
Published by Pearson
![Image: race](/research/images/rd-books/race.jpg)
Date: July 2019
Title: Race, Law and Higher Education in the Colorblind Era: Critical Investigations into Race-Related Supreme Court Disputes
Author: Hoang Tran, Ph.D., College of Education
Published by Routledge
Title: Race, Law and Higher Education in the Colorblind Era: Critical Investigations into Race-Related Supreme Court Disputes
Author: Hoang Tran, Ph.D., College of Education
Published by Routledge
![Image: The Routledge handbook of social work ethics and values](/research/images/rd-books/routledge-handbook-of-social-work-ethics-and-values-barsky.jpg)
Date: June 2019
Title: The Routledge handbook of social work ethics and values
Co-author: Allan Barsky, JD, Ph.D., College of Social Work and Criminal Justice
Published by Routledge
Title: The Routledge handbook of social work ethics and values
Co-author: Allan Barsky, JD, Ph.D., College of Social Work and Criminal Justice
Published by Routledge
![Image: Contemporary](/research/images/rd-books/contemporary.jpg)
Date: June 2019
Title: The Contemporary Superintendent: (R)Evolutionary Leadership in an Era of Reform
Author: Meredith Mountford, Ph.D., College of Education, co-author
Published by IAP
Title: The Contemporary Superintendent: (R)Evolutionary Leadership in an Era of Reform
Author: Meredith Mountford, Ph.D., College of Education, co-author
Published by IAP
![Image: learning](/research/images/rd-books/learning.jpg)
Date: May 2019
Title: Learning To Live Together: Promoting Social Harmony
Author: J. A. Scott Kelso, Ph.D., Charles E. Schmidt College of Science
Published by Springer International Publishing
Title: Learning To Live Together: Promoting Social Harmony
Author: J. A. Scott Kelso, Ph.D., Charles E. Schmidt College of Science
Published by Springer International Publishing
![Image: texting](/research/images/rd-books/texting.jpg)
Date: April 2019
Title: Texting, Suicide, and the Law
Author: Mark Tunick, Ph.D., Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College
Published by Routledge
Title: Texting, Suicide, and the Law
Author: Mark Tunick, Ph.D., Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College
Published by Routledge
![Image: Three Fruits](/research/images/rd-books/three-fruits.jpg)
Date: April 2019
Title: Three Fruits: Nepali Ayurvedic Doctors on Health, Nature, and Social Change
Author: Mary M Cameron, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Lexington Book
Title: Three Fruits: Nepali Ayurvedic Doctors on Health, Nature, and Social Change
Author: Mary M Cameron, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Published by Lexington Book
![Image: Explorations in diversity: Examining the complexities of privilege, discrimination, and oppression (3rd ed.)](/research/images/rd-books/explorations-in-diversity-barsky.jpg)
Date: December 2017
Title: Explorations in diversity: Examining the complexities of privilege, discrimination, and oppression (3rd ed.)
Chapter: Assumed privilege: A double-edged sword
Co-author: Allan Barsky, JD, Ph.D., College of Social Work and Criminal Justice
Published by Oxford University Press
Title: Explorations in diversity: Examining the complexities of privilege, discrimination, and oppression (3rd ed.)
Chapter: Assumed privilege: A double-edged sword
Co-author: Allan Barsky, JD, Ph.D., College of Social Work and Criminal Justice
Published by Oxford University Press
![Image: Curriculum](/research/images/rd-books/curriculum.jpg)
Date: December 2017
Title: Curriculum Integration in Contemporary Teaching
Author: Susannah Brown, Ph.D., College of Education; Rina Bousalis, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts & Letters
Published by IGI Global
Title: Curriculum Integration in Contemporary Teaching
Author: Susannah Brown, Ph.D., College of Education; Rina Bousalis, Ph.D., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts & Letters
Published by IGI Global
![book cover: Conflict Resolution for the Helping Professions](/research/images/rd-books/conflict-resolution-barsky.jpg)
Date: August 2017
Title: Conflict Resolution for the Helping Professions
Co-author: Allan Barsky, JD, Ph.D., College of Social Work and Criminal Justice
Published by Oxford University Press
Title: Conflict Resolution for the Helping Professions
Co-author: Allan Barsky, JD, Ph.D., College of Social Work and Criminal Justice
Published by Oxford University Press
![book cover: Handbook of social work with groups](/research/images/rd-books/handbook-of-social-work-with-groups-barsky.jpg)
Date: February 2017
Title: Handbook of social work with groups
Chapter: Ethical challenges and opportunities in social work with groups
Co-author: Allan Barsky, JD, Ph.D., College of Social Work and Criminal Justice
Published by Guilford Press
Title: Handbook of social work with groups
Chapter: Ethical challenges and opportunities in social work with groups
Co-author: Allan Barsky, JD, Ph.D., College of Social Work and Criminal Justice
Published by Guilford Press